Blog from John Hoffner, candidate for PEC Board, District 3
Editor’s note: The North Shore Democrats of Travis County have endorsed Mr Hoffner’s candidacy
My name is John Hoffner and I am running for the Pedernales Electric Cooperative (PEC) Board of Directors, and I want to represent you in District 3!
I have a Master of Science in Engineering/Physics and have worked for more than 35 years in the electric utility industry on engineering and policy. I am excited to have the opportunity to bring my experience to the PEC Board and I am asking for your vote.
Why I want to represent District 3 on the PEC Board
I want to help reduce PEC member costs and improve efficiency through innovation and new technologies. The PEC should be embracing new technologies to better deliver electricity with advanced metering technologies, micro-grids, solar and wind power. I hope to encourage technology and policy changes on the Board.
Many PEC members desire solar energy at their homes and businesses and the co-op should be enabling it rather than setting up roadblocks. In recent years, the Board has implemented measures to make it more difficult and costly to install solar. These disincentives should be removed, and the PEC should consider the social and environmental benefits when setting the solar rate.
As a member of the Board, I will encourage transparency to allow your voice to be heard as a member. The PEC is a democratically run organization and every member with an electric meter has a vote and your voices should be heard and considered when the board makes decisions. I will set up open communication channels for you to let me know what you want in our PEC and I always welcome emails from fellow members.
Volunteer and Community Service
While growing up, my family emphasized the importance of community involvement and volunteering. I was taught that successful communities depend on their volunteers. As an Elder and Deacon at Hope Presbyterian Church, I led the implementation of a ministry to provide a cold-weather shelter for homeless men. I also initiated a disaster relief program to help find temporary housing for hurricane refugees.
I am a volunteer producer at the community FM radio station KOOP in Austin. For fourteen years I hosted a green talk radio program called, “Shades of Green”. I now co-host a program called “The Austin Common Radio Hour”, which strives to encourage young people to get involved in civic and community initiatives.
I served on the City’s Resource Management Commission, an advisory to the Austin City Council for three years. Our commission implemented the first Solar rebate incentive program that helped grow the industry in Austin.
Voting has begun and runs until June 9. Look for a ballot from PEC in the US mail, or by email, or simply login to your online account and look for the green “Vote” button in the upper right corner. You can learn more about me on my website at or on Facebook @JohnHoffnerforPEC. We can make a difference!
Together with my wife Jill we have raised a family of three, Kelly, James, and Kate. And, we have three grandchildren.