How to apply for a Ballot by Mail
You must meet one of these requirements:
* 65 years of age or older
* Out of county during entire election period (including early voting and election day
* Sick or disabled (based on voter’s say so; no proof required)
* Expected to give birth within 3 weeks before or after election day
* Eligible to vote but confined in jail or involuntary civil commitment
* Overseas military & other overseas voters.
If you received mail-in ballots last year, your application expired December 31. You have to reapply to continue to vote by mail this year. Your application must be received (not just postmarked) by the Travis County Clerk by the deadline. The address is Travis County Clerk - Elections Division, PO Box 149325, Austin, TX 78714-9325. If running short on time, you can deliver the application yourself (not some other person) to: Travis County Elections Division, 5501 Airport Blvd, Austin, TX 78751.
For a printable form: https://webservices.sos.state.tx.us/forms/6-1f.pdf
Application Deadlines
​The deadline for the delivery of the Ballot By Mail application to the County Clerk’s office is October 25, 2024 for the November 5 General Election.
Tips on Filling Out the Form
In section 2, we recommend you supply both TDL # and last 4 of SS number to avoid having your application rejected. In top section, include your phone and email, so elections official can contact you quickly if there’s a problem.
In section 6, elect “Annual application” if you qualify. Then you don’t have to reapply for the rest of the calendar year. In the next line, be sure to check Republican or Democrat for Primary Election ballot, and any resulting runoff.
Remember, you can always change your mind, go to the polls, turn in your mail-in ballot, and vote in person.
Send the filled out application to your county’s election officer. In Travis County it is the Travis County Clerk, Elections Division, PO Box 149325, Austin, TX 78714. For a list of election officers in other counties, go to https://www.sos.texas.gov/elections/voter/county.shtml
If someone else assists you in filling out the application, they must fill out and sign the section at the bottom.
If you want to track your Ballot by Mail Application, click here: https://countyclerk.traviscountytx.gov/departments/elections/ballot-by-mail/.
If you have questions or want to report a problem, call the Voter Assistance Hotline at 844-TX-VOTES (844-898-6837).