By Mike Killalea, NSD president
With the holidays in the rear-view mirror, we can turn our attention to politics and governance in this most important election year.
The dynamic agenda for the NSD’s Jan 13 Meet & Greet has expanded to include US Senate candidates, as previously advertised, and also the North Shore’s county Commissioners,
TC Commissioners Brigid Shea & Ann Howard
TC Commissioner Place 2 Brigid Shea, is a good friend to NSD, and represents Lago Vista and Point Venture. Ann Howard, TC Commissioner Place 3, is also joining us, and represents Jonestown. Two great Democratic women in one place at the same time!
US Senate candidates Carl Sherman and Steven Keough
We have also confirmed two cool candidates in the race to oppose Ted Can-cruz in November. Carl Sherman is currently a state representative from the Dallas area, and Steve Keough is a retired Navy captain.
See links for all these candidates in the links below.,
The Jan 13 Meet & Greet will be held from 4-6+ pm in the Bluebonnet Room of the LV POA Activity Center, 2601 American Drive, Lago Vista.
Hope to see you there!
— Ann Howard: https://commissionerann.com/about-commissioner-ann-howard/ & https://www.traviscountytx.gov/commissioners-court/precinct-three
— Brigid Shea: https://brigidshea.com/ & https://www.naco.org/people/hon-brigid-shea & https://www.traviscountytx.gov/commissioners-court/precinct-two#:~:text=Brigid%20is%20a%20native%20of,together%20they%20have%20two%20sons
— Steve Keough: https://keoughforsenate.com/
— Carl Sherman: https://www.carlsherman.com/