By Herb Krasner and Joan Carney, NSD treasurer
A new study by the Libertarian Cato Institute details the ease with which migrants can defeat Trump's wall.
'Sticking in your head in the sand'
“The number of successful entries—that Border Patrol saw—more than doubled after the Trump border wall was constructed,” the report states. “The fence has failed to accomplish its stated purpose of stopping illegal entries. Citing some easily surveilled minor gaps here and there in the Trump design as the reason for this failure is just sticking your head in the sand to avoid seeing all the smugglers sawing through it.”
Here is a little bit of useful information about the Trump/Abbott border wall that most people don’t know:
The cost to construct the big, beautiful wall is about $5,286 per linear foot. That's nearly $28 million per mile.
The cost of buying a hacksaw that will cut a door out of the wall is about $15 (at your local hardware store); but if you plan to do it many times than you can buy a portable reciprocating saw for less than $100.
Perhaps you are surprised by how cheap and easy it is to cut out a door from that wall. And here is why -- the steel posts (aka bollards) that make up Trump’s wall are HOLLOW! Yep, that’s right, sports fans. That is how your (or perhaps just Trump’s sheeple’s) $$$$ are being spent!
And these doors are being cut out every night, and when those are repaired, the same doors are cut again. Rinse and repeat.
'$15 billion boondoggle'
"The border wall has been a $15 billion boondoggle,” states the Libertarian think tank’s report. “If a $15 billion project can be so easily defeated with $100 power tools and $5 dollar ladders, maybe the Border Patrol union was right the first time when it initially said more fencing wouldn’t work. No fair‐minded advocate can say now that the project has provided any benefit whatsoever.”
Pretty stupid, don’t you think? The wall is as hollow as Trump’s qualifications to be president.
Read the full Cato Institute study at “Border Wall Was Breached 11 Times Per Day in 2022” by David J. Bier, December 30,2022 https://www.cato.org/blog/border-wall-was-breached-11-times-day-2022-2
To see more great images of the border wall, check out this link: https://www.gettyimages.com/search/2/image?family=creative&phrase=herika%20martinez
A math error seems to have crept into the article above. The actual cost of constructing the wall is ~$29,000,000.00 per mile (that's millions). Now multiply that by the approximately 1000 miles of our border that does not yet have a wall on it, and you can figure out the actual size of the remaining part of the boondoggle :)
There is a lot more factual data where that came from on a wide variety of hot issues that many don't really understand. herbkrasner@gmail.com
How's that for an impenetrable wall!