\Pals of Convicted Felon Trump’s idol Vladimir Putin are upset that Trump is now the only old guy in the race for President. (@,#)
“He is left without any trump cards!” quipped State Duma member Oleg Matveychev on state TV. “Previously, he could easily attack Biden’s health, now he has nothing left to attack. More than that, attacking Biden at this point would be seen as inappropriate and rude.”
Trump? Rude? Inappropriate? Perish the thought!
“Now they’re switching to [Vice President Kamala Harris] and are trying to attack her, but nothing new will stick to her,” Matveychev added. “Bringing up the fact she is not quite white will only activate her electorate.” (@@,##)
Matveychev said that Biden’s departure from the race rendered the previous agenda obsolete. Discussing the age of the US president or an assassination attempt against Trump is now yesterday’s news, he argued.
“Trump had a great trump card with this shot that was fired at him... he just got lucky,” the Putin crony said. “Now he has to come up with something new to change the subject and draw attention to himself—and it’s hard to do, after the stakes were raised this high.”