North Shore Democrats stepped up to Get Out The Vote ahead of the March 5 primary. Twenty-six volunteers signed up for the Primary GOTV Campaign, and another eight took a course in “relational organizing.”
Relational organizing, or REACH, is described as a tool within a broader organizing strategy to build power in which individuals, groups, or organizations harness their personal networks and relationships to effect change.
Sweeping GOTV campaign
The Primary GOTV Campaign comprises a number of key teams — text team, postcard team, and a phone bank team.
“Thanks to our volunteers, especially Jack Alford, captain of the text team, and Susan Nilsson-Weiskott, who hosted the postcard writers on Sunday, Feb 11,” said NSD Treasurer Joan Carney, who organized the GOTV effort.
Thanks also to Joan Carney, who recruited volunteers and organized the campaign.
Postcard writing
The postcard team on Feb 11 hand-wrote personalized messages and addressed 280 postcards. Writers were Dave Bell, Leesa Clause, Roylynn McClellan, Phyllis Jordan, Karen Shockey, and hostess Susan Nilsson-Weiskott.
Kelsey Pal hosted the Google Meet session for Alford’s text training, held on Feb 15.
“Google Meet … turned out to be a good alternative to Zoom — and also free,” Alford remarked.
Alford played a recorded video that walked the team through setting up Google Voice on their home computers, then creating and sending texts to their assigned recipients.
“After a short Q&A session, we ended the call, and the team will send GOTV texts before the start of early voting on February 20,” he added.
Joan Carney organized the online meeting for the texting team.