Vote for Dwain Handley in November to represent the North Shore in the state Legislature, and bring competence and sanity to House District 19. The North Shore Democrats of Travis County unanimously endorsed Dwain at our April 13 Annual Meeting.
“Dwain is a hard working candidate with a strong vision for improving our area and our state,” remarked Mike Killalea, NSD president. “With people like Dwain in the Legislature, Texans have a better chance of living in a citizen-friendly state, very unlike today's Texas with tax cuts for the rich, hostility toward women’s health care, corrupt officials, bigotry and book banking in schools.
“Vote for Dwain Handley. Let’s make Texas a compassionate place to live.”
A Texas A&M graduate, Dwain has had careers in banking and as a small-business owner. As a grassroots organizer in. North Texas, Dwain was instrumental in turning a longtime red House District blue.
Dwain strives to renege voters who have checked out. He calls them a “sleeping giant, and the only remaining untapped resources.
On issues, Dwain is a fervent fighter for democracy. “Democracy is my number one issue,” he said. ‘for Senate seats, twelve House District5s to flip for a Democratic Legislature.
“We must not fail.”
Restore reproductive choice and end gerrymandering
Dwain also calls for constitutional amendments to:
End gerrymandering
Restore reproductive choice
Secure the rights of voters and home-rule cities
Vote for Dwain Handley in November.
— Video from NSD’s February 17 Meet & Greet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BRLxq7QW9E
Dwain is our chance to send a representative to the Texas House that will Stand Up for the rights of every single one of us!! Unlike the Abbott protege that’s currently there!