Great candidates addressed the North Shore Democrats on Feb 17. Clockwise from top left: Judge Edward Smith, Keith McPhail, Dwain Handley, NSD members chatting, Theresa Boisseau, and NSD photographer Liz Colvin and Keith McPhail
Before ya vote check out the videos below from some cool Democratic candidates who spoke at our Feb 17 Meet & Greet.
Here are the candidates who spoke:
US Congress, District 10
Theresa Boisseau (theresa4texas.com)
Keith McPhail (duckdonald.org)
Texas Third Court of Appeals, Place 2
Edward Smith (incumbent; smithforjustice.com)
Texas state Legislature, HD-19
Dwain Handley (handley4texas.com )
Video links below:
— Dwain Handley:
— Edward Smith:
— Keith McPhail:
— Theresa Boisseau: